Wordpress development services

Wordpress development services

Free great looking wordpress themes

By Unknown - Friday, January 16, 2015 1 Comment

01. InterStellar

Free Wordpress themes - InterStellar
InterStellar is a clean, sophisticated design
Create and manage your portfolio or blog with ease with this clean and sophisticated InterStellar design. With multiple portfolio page layouts, this theme's options allow you to change the layout, colour scheme, logo and add your Google Analytics code, buttons, Google maps, columns and more.

02. Arcade

Free Wordpress themes - Arcade
Create a stand-out site with fully responsive HTML5 theme Arcade
Create a stand-out website with Arcade, a lightweight and fully responsive HTML5 theme. Customise it to your taste by adding your own headers image, page layout, site width and more. Each post can be distinguished with one of the eight supported formats; video, image, aside, status, audio, quote, link and gallery.

03. vFlex

Free WordPress themes - vFlex
vFlex was designed specifically with designers and bloggers in mind
Designed specially with bloggers and designers in mind, vFlex is a stylish, free, responsive WordPress theme. Its main features include an inbuilt FlexSlider so you can simply select featured images and an integrated VibeOptions panel, which supports logo upload, import and export settings and many other features. vFlex's responsive layout also means the theme looks great on iPad, iPhones, and other devices.

04. Appliance

free WordPress themes - Appliance
Minimalist panels allow you to showcase posts visually rather than in a list
Appliance is a super-clean and minimalist theme that presents posts in a series of panels across the page instead of as a simple list. It's very code-light, making it quick to load, and has a pleasingly clean look that's ideal for magazine-style content where each post will feature a strong image.  

05. Zenith

Free Wordpress themes - Zenith
Zenith features a beautiful magazine-style layout that's responsive
Zenith is a responsive theme with a rich, magazine-style layout that features space for large images. The theme has built-in support for Gravity Forms, and ships with multiple layout options, as well as support for custom templates and menus.

06. Noteworthy

Free Wordpress themes - Noteworthy
Noteworthy features a bold palette and layout that happy showcasing content
Noteworthy is a bold theme that, according to its author, is modelled on the USA Today website. The colour scheme is modern and clean, while bordering on brash, but the stand-out feature of this theme is the showcase area for the most recent post. 

07. Splendio

Free Wordpress themes - Splendio
Splendio provides a good balance of content
Splendio has done a great job of balancing the featured content of the page with additional added value content. You want to promote the other pages and posts on your site (to increase traction and time on site) without taking away from the reason the visitor is there in the first place. This is a difficult task that the designers and developers of Splendio have done well. The details and colours really help to make this a great blog theme.

08. Polar Media

Free Wordpress themes - Polar Media
Polar Media is a good choice for newsy blogs
I like the content used to demo PolarMedia because it speaks to exactly how this theme should be used. It's great for a blog featuring news and up-to-the-minute updates.
This free WordPress theme does a great job of showcasing content in a new format. Whether you're reporting on red carpet happenings or political disputes, it will do you and your visitors proud.

09. Origin

Free Wordpress themes - Origin
Origin's minimal yet stylish design allows users to focus on content
Origin is a premium, fully responsive WordPress blog theme with a minimal, clean design that allows visitors to focus on content. Origin lite is the only free version of this theme, which features a fixed two-column layout, responsive gallery and custom widgets for categories and social media networks.

10. Folder

Free Wordpress themes - Folder
Free WordPress theme Folder is perfect for showcasing projects and products

Folder is a free WordPress theme with a slight retro feel to it. With a design dominated by images, this responsive theme is perfect for displaying projects and products. Features include custom project posts and admin panel, five different widgets included (video, latest work, contact form, twitter feed, recent posts), and more.


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